Sunday, February 3, 2013

INSEAD – or Simon back to school

You all know by now that Ana and Simon have settled in Singapore but maybe, somebody is not really sure why. Well, the major reason was to get some Asia exposure and while it worked well that Ana could transfer with Mercer for a year to their Singapore office (more on that soon), there was the question what Simon needed to do in order to go to Southeast Asia. It came in handy that he was thinking of doing an MBA and – now INSEAD plays an integral part – there was just one very good business school where he could combine the education and the location.
It would take too long to discuss all the reasons for doing this now but just to explain it as briefly as possible: an MBA is a postgraduate degree (Master of Business Administration) that is supposed to prepare people in management to holistically cope with the challenges of broader organizations. While Simon studied Business Administration in Germany, the German university education and an MBA are almost the opposite – at the Tübingen University, he learned all the theory (that is hardly ever used to this extent in “real life”) whereas an MBA takes the theory for granted and investigates different management situations and how they are being affected – the studies are far less theoretical and largely based on case studies. That being said, there were five major reasons for Simon in his motivation for pursuing the MBA:
  • The school should be one of the top ones, with a very broad and well-established network of alumni
  • The student body should be as diverse as possible
  • He wanted to really learn something meaningful that will help him in his future career – but only a one year program!
  • It should be based in Asia
  • He was looking forward for a change of pace after 5 years working in management consulting at Oliver Wyman
These reasons only left one choice: INSEAD. So he applied, got accepted, Ana worked everything out with Mercer and now they are here (it was almost that simple).
Anyway, this part is actually about Simon going back to school. So once Ana and Simon had decided on the apartment and had done an extensive trip to IKEA (fortunately, open on a Sunday), January 7th was the first day of orientation week. It takes Simon about 30 minutes to get to the campus and once he got there, everything was following a well-organized schedule.
The main building on INSEAD's Asia campus

The first few days were mainly to get to know the classmates. At the two campuses (one is in Fontainebleau / France, the other one here), there are about 500 students that will jointly graduate in December 2013. These 500 are from 65 countries! That is very impressive and exactly one of the reasons why Simon decided to go for INSEAD. There is a (bit blurry) photo from the first day to get a feeling where the students are coming from.

The biggest nationality is Indian, followed by American and French. Surprisingly, the biggest per-capita nationalities are Lebanon, Singapore and Portugal. It was quite interesting that there are more Portuguese than Spaniards and more Dutch than Germans. 

There are three “sections” (read classes) in Singapore, each around 70 students. Most of the activities are done in classes and every class is again divided into groups. These groups are working together on a variety of case studies as well as homework assignments and even exams. Simon is very happy with his group, it is a pretty awesome compilation of people, very international yet the cultural differences are not that big… Well, but you shouldn’t only talk about the nationality – everyone who goes to INSEAD will have a somewhat international profile. So there is David, a Chinese-American who has worked for the last 18 months at Mercer (Ana’s company, that is right!) in Singapore. Valerie, a French Canadian who had project work in Jakarta, Indonesia. Neha, from India, living for more than 5 years in Singapore and Charles, French, who worked for LVMH (yes, the company that markets these nice handbags with the LV J) in New York. Part of the “team building” was an awesome project where Simon’s group helped a social institution building a playground for the kids that they took care of. The group did really well, bonded and was awarded with the universal price for good performance: Alcohol ;-)
 The orientation week cumulated with a super nice beach party on Saturday. It was crazy – just ten days had passed since Simon and Ana had transferred to Singapore and then, they found themselves partying at a beach club, barefoot in the sand – on January 12th! Who wouldn’t want to kill them for that now ;-)
Last week was “Lowland Week”, one of the so-called National Weeks where students from one country or region (in that case: Belgium and the Netherlands) were getting together to organize a number of awareness events that would help their fellow students to get to know their home region. It was awesome. A lot of things in orange (for the Dutch), Belgian waffles for breakfast and one night a delicious beer tasting. 

The “Heart of Europe” week is coming up in May and the Germans (plus the Swiss and the Austrians) will make sure that this week will be at least as cool!

However, being back to school also means that Simon needs to get back into study mood. And actually, he doesn’t have too much time for that. Only three “full weeks” have passed and he already had one paper, three group projects and two midterm exams. But no need to feel sorry for him – that’s what he wanted in the first place. Also, INSEAD requires a third language (besides English and one other language spoken fluently) in order to graduate. Since Simon took nine years of French in school and he was really good at it, he decided to go for Spanish. Wait a minute??? Well, he decided to go for Spanish because his French has deteriorated quite a bit since high school and due to some obvious choices in life, he felt more confident in Spanish now. So he passed that exam - first important exam: CHECK! 

So all in all, the experience is great. Many inspiring people, a lot to learn, both on and off the class room and all in an awesome location. Simon and Ana will make sure that you also learn something about Singapore. But more on that later!

Tomorrow is exam day (Microeconomics midterm quiz) so that should be all for now!
All the best from the Straits of Malacca!
Ana and Simon

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